iLov Streichfett

Ultimate Max for Live Editor for Waldorf Streichfett.


The Waldorf Streichfett combines the best of the previously extinct species of String Synthesizers of the 70s and early 80s. Its dual sound engine features a fully polyphonic strings section and an eight voice solo section

iLov Streichfett is a Max For Live editor designed to easily control your Waldorf String Machine. Creating, editing, and saving your sounds become child's play.

Like on the Waldorf Streichfett, iLovStreichfett is divided in different sections: Strings section, Solo section and Effects section.
The parameters of each of these sections can be randomized to generate new sounds.




  • All the parameters can be mapped and automated.

  • Edit your sound with Push or another midi controller.

  • Bi-directional control.

  • Randomization button to generate new sounds.

  • Grab the Streichfett data, save and load your own presets.

  • Parameters values are automatically memorized with your Ableton session and sent to your Waldorf Streichfett when restarting.