iLov FS1R
Ultimate Max for Live Editor for Yamaha FS1R.
Manufactured by Yamaha in 1998 the FS1R is one of the most powerful but also complex sound synthesizer ever made. It features two tone generation systems: an eight-Operators FM synthesis and a Formant Shaping Synthesis.
iLov FS1R is a Max For Live editor designed to easily control your Yamaha FS1R synthesizer. Creating, editing, and saving your sounds become child's play.
iLovFS1R is made of 5 Max for Live midi devices.
4 iLovFS1RPart which control the parameters of each part, selected voices and operators. They enable to control and edit each sound of the 4 FS1R parts on separated midi tracks. They also allow to load and save new voices in your computer.
1 iLovFS1RPlay which contains the effects system, Formant Sequence parameters and the Controllers system.
The devices have been designed for you to stay focus on what you are doing.
Open the Voice and Operator Editors to get access to the full creative tools that let you design your sound, or, let them closed and just use Performance Part parameters , automate midi tracks and stay focused on the music production.